Houston AMAC Chapter Development Announcement of the Re-Opening of Chapter Officers Nomination Period

Houston AMAC Chapter Development Announcement of the Re-Opening of Chapter Officers Nomination Period

The AMAC Houston Chapter Development Committee has re-opened nominations for all positions. The nomination period is open from 9am CST July 29th to 7pm CST August 12th, 2024, for the following positions: All officers will serve an initial term of one year. Officers will serve on an AMAC national committee and as a member of…

Reminder Airport Minority Advisory Council Members- Voting Ends on Friday, July 26th, 2024.   Join Me in Leading the Southwest Region to New Heights!

Reminder Airport Minority Advisory Council Members- Voting Ends on Friday, July 26th, 2024. Join Me in Leading the Southwest Region to New Heights!

Hello, AMAC Members! Dear Members, This is a reminder that voting for the Airport Minority Advisory Council ends on Friday, July 26th, 2024. All financial members should have received an email from jgalanti@jtgoldstein.com via SurveyMonkey, with the sender address member@surveymonkeyuser.com. If a voting member cannot cast their vote personally, please reach out to the national…